Our Connection to Trees
Did you know, exercising or simply sitting and looking at trees reduces blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol and adrenaline? Did you also know that trees create phytoncides, a natural antifungal, and antibacterial that help them fight against disease? When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of white blood cells called natural killer cells (NK cells). These cells aid in fighting off virus-infected cells in our bodies. In one study, a three-day and two-night forest bathing getaway increase a person’s NK activity that can last for more than 30days.
There is no doubt that heading out and exploring nature is the first step in self-care. My intention for Yoga in the Park is to allow freedom to explore space within ourselves as lovingly and patiently as needed, along with the support and loving energy of other like-minded space seekers.
Yoga in the Park – Classes
Yoga in the Park (#YITP) runs daily during the week, Monday to Friday. To keep things spicy, I have created themes for every day – this helps to keep our practice well-rounded and fun!
Themes Monday to Friday: